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Music Sight Reading PRO 1.0.2
Apps Musycom
This is the ad-free version of “Music SightReading”.This app is to practice several aspects related to music sightreading:- Rhythm values sight reading. 4/4 and 12/8 time signatures.- Memorizing rhythmic formulas and executing them. 4/4 and 12/8time signatures.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and retaining their namesin Treble Clef.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and clicking their namesin real time.This app includes:- Forty lessons.- The lessons are divided into four different formats, each oneto practice an specific aspect of music sight reading.- In the blue lessons you will see a sheet music and you have toclick on a button when each of the music notes is heard.- In the yellow lessons you will see a rhythmic formula thatdisappears after a few seconds. Then you must play it by memory(tapping on the screen).- In the red lessons you will listen and you will read somemusic notes. When the sheet music disappears you have to click onthe names of the notes in the same order they were previouslyshown.- In the green lessons there will be music notes on the staffappearing one after the other. You have to click on the pitchnotation corresponding each one.If you want to know how to sight read music this app will helpyou.Increase your ability to recognize music notes values and youwill be able to grasp any music theory lessons, guitar lessons orpiano lessons.If you want to play piano music, flute music, guitar music orviolin music this app is something you will use daily.Knowing how to read music enables you to read piano sheet music,violin sheet music or any other type of music sheet.How to play piano, how to play drums, how to play any musicalinstrument becomes easier when you increase your readingskills.Anyone in a music school should have this app. Music sightreading is a great tool in music composition, songwriting and musicimprovisation.
Ear Training Basic 1.0.9
Apps Musycom
Music has rhythm and melody. Being able tolisten some music notes and knowing whats going on in terms ofpitch and duration is an important ability for a musician. Eartraining helps you to read a sheet music without an instrument andknowing how it sounds.If you are taking guitar lessons or piano lessons this app willbe very useful for you. Playing piano music or guitar music isbetter done when you have a clear idea about music notes durationand pitch.Ear training is vital to understand music theory. How to playguitar or how to play piano is not just a matter of moving yourfingers, it has a lot to do with listening and knowing what you arelistening to.Perfect pitch is not a requirement to enter a music schoolbecause there will be ear training lessons. So this app issomething you must have if you are on singing lessons, trying tolearn how to read music, studying music scales, playing violinmusic or reading piano sheet music.This app is for those who want to develop a good musicalear.
Ear Training Challenge 1.0.5
Apps Musycom
This is the free version.Let´s see how good you are at ear training. You don´t need toknow how to read sheet music.Sometimes you play songs without needing to read a sheet music.You just listen the rhythm or the melody and you play it or yousing it. The emphasis in this app is to be able to repeat what youhear rhythmically. It is also important to be able to identify thehighest note in a melody.Some ear training methods are closely associated to readingsheet music. In this app we created some exercises that use nosheet music. You practice repeating a rhythm that you hear or youpractice identifying which of a series of notes is the highest.We are not saying that knowing how to read music is not good. Weare saying that you can do some ear training without the need ofrelating what you listen with how it is written or read.If you play guitar, piano or any other musical instrument youwill find these exercises very useful. If you are a singer this appis for you.This app includes ten rhythmic lessons and ten melodiclessons.Each lesson is worked in different sections integrated bypractical exercises.
Guitar Sheet Reading 1.0.62
Apps Musycom
Music sight reading exercises on guitar. Test your reading skillsin real time.
Music Sight Reading 1.0.5
Apps Musycom
This is the free version of “MusicSightReading”.This app is to practice several aspects related to musicsightreading:- Rhythm values sight reading. 4/4 and 12/8 time signatures.- Memorizing rhythmic formulas and executing them. 4/4 and12/8time signatures.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and retaining theirnamesin G Clef.- Recognizing music notes on the staff and clicking theirnamesin real time.This app includes:- Forty lessons.- The lessons are divided into four different formats to helpyoupractice an specific aspects of music sight reading.- The lessons are divided into four different formats, eachoneto practice an specific aspect of music sight reading.- In the blue lessons you will see a sheet music and you havetoclick on a button when each of the music notes is heard.- In the yellow lessons you will see a rhythmic formulathatdisappears after a few seconds. Then you must play itbymemory.- In the red lessons you will listen and you will read somemusicnotes. When the sheet music disappears you have to click onthenames of the notes in the same order they were previouslyshown.- In the green lessons there will be music notes on thestaffappearing one after the other. You have to click on thepitchnotation corresponding each one.If you want to know how to sight read music this app willhelpyou.Increase your ability to recognize music notes values andyouwill be able to grasp any music theory lessons, guitar lessonsorpiano lessons.If you want to play piano music, flute music, guitar musicorviolin music this app is something you will use daily.Knowing how to read music enables you to read piano sheetmusic,violin sheet music or any other type of music sheet.How to play piano, how to play drums, how to play anymusicalinstrument becomes easier when you increase yourreadingskills.
Chords, chords and more chords 1.0.13
Apps Musycom
This is the free version. - Select from the menu a chord category -Select the type of chords you want to study in that category - Youwill see the notes of the chord and their names - When clicking oneach chord you will listen to it - There is a pop-up keyboard soyou can check each note of the chord There are several chordscategories: Triads & Power Chord Other chords without 7 = add,sus, 6, 6/9 7 Chords 9 Chords 11 Chords 13 Chords Within each ofthese categories there are subcategories. Within the “7 Chords”category you will find these subcategories: Major triad/major 7Major triad/minor 7 Sus 4 triad/minor 7 Minor triad/Major 7 Minortriad/minor 7 Augmented triad/Major 7 Augmented triad/minor 7Diminished triad/Major 7 Diminished triad/minor 7 etcetera Andwithin each subcategory there may be several types of chords.Within the “Major triad/major 7” subcategory of the “7 Chords”category you will find these types of chords: Cmaj7 Cmaj7b5Cmaj7(add#11) Cmaj7(ad13) So there are a lot of chords to study.This app will help you to learn all the different types of chords,how each of them sounds and how they are written. Music is an artand a science. Music notes, reading sheet music and music theoryare some of the vital aspects that a musician should know by heart.Knowing the different types chords in music is one of the mostimportant subjects for a musician. A chord, in music, is anyharmonic set of three or more notes that is heard as if soundingsimultaneously. There are chords for jazz music or for rock music.Chords define the type of music you are listening. This app isgreat for anyone looking for guitar chords or piano chords.Actually all the chords contained in this app are useful for allmusic instruments and for anyone interested in singing. Anyone in amusic school should have this app. Knowing the different types ofchords is of great help in music composition, songwriting and musicimprovisation. You don´t need advanced music notation knowledges touse this app. Knowing music notes and what semitones and tones areis enough.
Learn to play Bass Guitar PRO 1.0.21
Apps Musycom
With additional contents: "Guitar Bass Notes" and "Reading BassSheet Music"
Guitar Notes PRO 1.0.18
Apps Musycom
Learn all Guitar Notes on sheet music, G Clef and guitar fretboard.
Bass Guitar Notes PRO 1.0.22
Apps Musycom
Learn the notes on BassGuitar and practice recognizing them.
Learn to play Guitar PRO 1.0.14
Apps Musycom
This is the ad-free version with additional contents: "GuitarNotes" "Reading Guitar Sheet Music" It includes seventy lessons onthe following contemporary music styles: - Rock (15) - Blues (15) -Jazz (5) - Funk (15) - Latin Music (15) - Fusion (5) Each lesson isintegrated by four sections. - You will see animations thatvisually show how to play your part on the Guitar. - You will seeanimations of the notes on the staff to help you understand how toread music in an easy way, while you play. - You can listen thewhole band to get an idea of the final result. - You can play at aslow speed and just listen to your instrument. - You can play it atnormal speed. - When you are ready go to the “d” section and playit while you listen the rest of the band. You have to integrateyour part to the ensemble. - While practicing you can click on thebar from which you want to repeat.______________________________________ “Guitar Notes”. On theGUITAR NOTES SECTION you can click on the strings and frets of theGuitar to see the corresponding note on the staff, its name and itspitch. It has exercises so you can practice recognizing the notesof the Guitar: Exercises without a time limit to answer - BasicLevel Exercises with time limit to answer - Intermediate LevelAfter working this exercises you will be able to see a note on thestaff and locate it´s position on the fretboard and you will beable to see an specific fret and string and know which is thecorresponding note on the staff.______________________________________ "Reading Guitar Sheet Music"The MELODIC READING SECTION is to practice sight reading of noteson the virtual Guitar. When each exercise begins you must click onthe Guitar fret and string corresponding to the notes that areheard and which you must read at first sight. The highest score foreach exercise is 100 points. If you don´t get at least 80 points wesuggest to work on that exercise a little more. The RHYTHMICREADING SECTION is to practice sight reading of rhythms for Guitaron different time signatures. On each exercise you have to click ona button when each of the notes or silences that are marked withred on the staff takes place. The highest score for each exerciseis 100 points. If you don´t get at least 80 points we suggest towork on that exercise a little more.______________________________________ Start playing Rock, Blues,Jazz, Latin Music and other contemporary styles on Guitar. Whileyou play the lessons you will intuitively understand how to readmusic. Guitar lessons are fun with this app. Playing the ElectricGuitar or the Acoustic Guitar can really be easy if it´s done inthe right way. With this app you don´t need to know how to readmusic. It shows you through animations what you have do with yourfingers. You don´t have to know guitar chords. You don´t have toknow guitar scales. There are several types of guitars: acousticguitar or electric guitar, Spanish guitar or classical guitar.There are different guitar brands: Fender, Gibson, Ibanez and manymore. All of them have the same music notes. So you can use thisapp for any type of guitar or any guitar brand. If you are takingguitar lessons and you want to play guitar songs you should usethis app. It is made for those who want to learn guitar.
Ear Training Challenge PRO 1.0.3
Apps Musycom
This is the ad-free version of “Ear TrainingChallenge”.Let´s see how good you are at ear training. You don´t need to knowhow to read sheet music.Sometimes you play songs without needing to read a sheet music. Youjust listen the rhythm or the melody and you play it or you singit. The emphasis in this app is to be able to repeat what you hearrhythmically. It is also important to be able to identify thehighest note in a melody.Some ear training methods are closely associated to reading sheetmusic. In this app we created some exercises that use no sheetmusic. You practice repeating a rhythm that you hear or youpractice identifying which of a series of notes is thehighest.We are not saying that knowing how to read music is not good. Weare saying that you can do some ear training without the need ofrelating what you listen with how it is written or read.If you play guitar, piano or any other musical instrument you willfind these exercises very useful. If you are a singer this app isfor you.This app includes ten rhythmic lessons and ten melodiclessons.Each lesson is worked in different sections integrated by practicalexercises.
Read Bach Sheet Music PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
An app to practice reading Bach piano sheet music.
Как играть на пианино 1.0.0
Apps Musycom
Это бесплатная версия.Начните играть на пианино рок, блюз,джаз,латиноамериканскую музыку и другие современныестили.В нашем приложении учиться играть на пианинобудетинтересно.Это приложение обучает игре на настоящей пианино.В приложении — семьдесят уроковпо следующимсовременным музыкальным стилям:— рок (15),— блюз (15),— джаз (5),— фанк (15),— латиноамериканская музыка (15),— джаз-рок (5).Чтобы учиться играть на пианино с помощьюнашегоприложения, не нужно уметь читать ноты.В каждом уроке вам показывают нужныедвижения,и вы повторяете увиденное на своейпианино.Ноты приводятся только для того, чтобы обучающиесяпонимали,как соотносится то, что они играют, с тем, чтонаписано.Самый простой стиль для начинающих — РОК.This is a free version.Play the piano rock, blues, jazz, Latin and other modernstyles.In our application, learning to play the piano willbeinteresting.This app teaches the game on this piano.Annex - seventy-lessons on the following modernmusicalstyles:- Rock (15)- Blues (15)- Jazz (5)- Funk (15)- Latin American music (15)- Jazz-rock (5).To learn to play the piano using our app, it is not necessarytobe able to read music.In each lesson you show the desired motion, and you repeatwhathe saw on his piano.Notes are only for students to understand how to relate whattheyplay, with what is written.The easiest style for beginners - ROCK.
Как играть на гитаре 1.0.1
Apps Musycom
Это бесплатная версия.Начните играть на гитаре рок, блюз, джаз,латиноамериканскуюмузыку и другие современные стили.В нашем приложенииучиться играть на гитаре будетинтересно.Это приложение обучает игре на настоящей гитаре.В приложении — семьдесят уроковпо следующимсовременным музыкальным стилям:— рок (15),— блюз (15),— джаз (5),— фанк (15),— латиноамериканская музыка (15),— джаз-рок (5).Чтобы учиться играть на гитаре с помощьюнашегоприложения, не нужно уметь читать ноты.В каждом уроке вам показывают нужныедвижения,и вы повторяете увиденное на своейгитаре.Ноты приводятся только для того, чтобы обучающиесяпонимали,как соотносится то, что они играют, с тем, чтонаписано.Самый простой стиль для начинающих — РОК.This is a free version.Play the guitar rock, blues, jazz, Latin and other modernstyles.In our application, learning to play the guitar willbeinteresting.This app teaches the game on this guitar.Annex - seventy-lessons on the following modernmusicalstyles:- Rock (15)- Blues (15)- Jazz (5)- Funk (15)- Latin American music (15)- Jazz-rock (5).To learn to play guitar with the help of our applications donotneed to know how to read music.In each lesson you show the desired motion, and you repeatwhathe saw on his guitar.Notes are only for students to understand how to relate whattheyplay, with what is written.The easiest style for beginners - ROCK.
Piano Sheet Reading PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
Do you play piano? With this app you can practice reading pianomusic anywhere.
Bass Grooves PRO 1.0.20
Apps Musycom
Learn 50 of the most popular Bass Grooves in popular music in avery easy way!
Guitar Scales PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
More than 150 music scales from all around the world for Guitar.
Bass Scales PRO 1.0.18
Apps Musycom
More than 150 music scales from all around the world for ElectricBass Guitar.
Music Scales for Piano PRO 1.0.3
Apps Musycom
More than 150 music scales for Piano and Keyboards.
Drum Beats 1.0.40
Apps Musycom
Play Drum Beats: Beginner to intermediate. ROCK, BLUES and LATINMUSIC.
Escalas para Piano PRO. 1.0.4
Apps Musycom
More than 150 musical scales for Piano and keyboards. In Spanish.
Music and Memory PRO 1.0.4
Apps Musycom
This is an app to keep your memory in good shape using simplemusical elements.
Bass Sheet Reading PRO 1.0.7
Apps Musycom
An app to practice reading Bass sheet music anytime, wherever youare.
Learn how to play Piano PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
Play Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk & Latin Music on a real piano. Nota virtual piano.
Learn how to play Piano 1.0.34
Apps Musycom
Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk & Latin Music on a real piano. It isnot a virtual piano
Curso de Teoría Musical PRO 1.0.24
Apps Musycom
What all musicians and music students should know.
Play Drums PRO 1.1.10
Apps Musycom
Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk, Latin Music. Not for beginners!
Drums Sheet Reading PRO 1.0.15
Apps Musycom
Drum Set notes, reading drums sheet music, drums sight reading. Doit anywhere.
Ear Training PRO 1.0.18
Apps Musycom
For guitar players, singers or anyone playing piano or any musicalinstrument.
How to play Drums 1.0.52
Apps Musycom
Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk, Latin Music! To learn to play on a realDrum Set.
How to play Drums 1.0.52
Apps Musycom
Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk, Latin Music! To learn to play on a realDrum Set.
Music Scales 1.0.24
Apps Musycom
More than 150 music scales for Guitar, Voice, Piano, Flute or anyinstrument.
Apps Musycom
Learn the basics of music reading in an easy, fun and stimulatingway
Apps Musycom
This app lets you practice reading music anywhere you go atanytime.
Saber leer notas musicales 1.0.70
Apps Musycom
Notes in Treble Clef and Fa, guitar, piano, singing andinstruments.
Drums Sheet Reading 1.0.51
Apps Musycom
Do you play drums? With this app you can practice reading drumsmusic anywhere.
Learn to play Guitar 1.1.69
Apps Musycom
This app shows you how to play in a band with your friends.
Learn how to play Bass Guitar 1.0.68
Apps Musycom
This app shows you how to play in a band with your friends.
Ear Training 1.0.56
Apps Musycom
For guitar players, singers or anyone playing piano or any musicalinstrument.
Read Bach Sheet Music 1.0.12
Apps Musycom
Practice music reading with works by Bach, anywhere and anytime.
Guitar Notes 1.0.44
Apps Musycom
Learn all Guitar Notes on sheet music, G Clef and guitar fretboard.
Saber Leer Notas Musicales PRO 1.0.8
Apps Musycom
Notes in Treble Clef and Fa, guitar, piano, singing andinstruments.
Guitar Sheet Reading PRO 1.0.48
Apps Musycom
Music sight reading exercises on guitar. Test your reading skillsin real time.
Learn to play guitar PRO 1.0.3
Apps Musycom
Learn the basis of Guitar: Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk and Latin Musicin a fun way.
Bass Guitar Notes 1.0.33
Apps Musycom
An app to be able to relate the notes on a sheet music with theBass fretboard.
Ear Training Rhythm 1.0.13
Apps Musycom
An app to improve your ability to recognize several combinations ofnotes values
Play with music! PRO 1.0.2
Apps Musycom
This is the ad-free version. This is an app created to let anyanyone of any age have the wonderful experience of music creationin a fun and easy way. It is an excellent app to stimulate peoplewho feel attracted to playing an instrument, songwriting, musicimprovisation, music composition or any other aspect of musiccreation. - You can choose any of the following music styles: -Blues Shuffle - Bolero - Rock Pop - Chachachá - Son Montuno -Country - Latin Jazz - Rock - Rhythm & Blues - Rock and Roll -Soul - Slow Rock - Reggae - Jazz Ballad - There are severalconfigurations to play with and let your imagination fly. Have fun!
Play with music! 1.0.5
Apps Musycom
To let any anyone have the experience of music creation in a funand easy way.
Piano Sheet Reading 1.0.25
Apps Musycom
Do you play piano? With this app you can practice reading pianomusic anywhere.
Curso de Teoría de la Música 1.0.28
Apps Musycom
What all musicians and music students should know.